Thursday, 5 December 2013

How to utilize Laakeripesuri in bearing service

There are no shortcuts in servicing bearings. You have to do it properly, or you can just forget it and continue skating and buy new bearing / skates etc...
Wiping dusts out from bearing cover don't help much. If you want bearing which roll quiet and smooth, you have to get dirt out from bearings and get dust free lubricant in. On this page is described one method to job done properly.
Tools used: Laakeripesuri, cordless drill, safety pin/small screwdriver, plastic container/bottle, suitable bearing cleaning fluid, isopropyl alcohol, water and lubricant.

Step 1 

Get wheels out from skates. As there is several different type of fixing methods I don't get deeper into that, refer your skates user manual or other suitable source for more information. Then you have to get bearings out from wheels. Loose bearings then can be placed to LaakeripesuriTM, cleaner cover to holder side. Next thing is to get covers out from bearings. You have to get at least one cover out from each bearing, to get cleaning fluid agitate inside bearing to wash balls inside and let dirt get out from inside bearing. There is no need to wipe any dust from bearing surfaces.

Step 2

There is difference in c-ring ends which hold covers in place. In picture small arrows show that end of c-ring where you should start to loosen c-ring. There are also variation in cover fixing in different bearing brands. Suitable tool to get c-ring out is safety pin or small screwdriver.

Step 3

By turning holder upside down loose covers drop out, you can help this by tapping holder lightly with finger. If some covers are still there, help them with safety pin. Wash covers , c-rings and wheels at this stage to let them dry before installing bearings back.

Step 4

Apply your favorite cleaning fluid to plastic container (1-2 cm / ca. 1/2" on the bottom). Fix LaakeripesuriTM into cordless drill. Use drill to rotate bearings in cleaning fluid gently so you won't splash fluid excessively. Rotate bearings so that bearing touches to container wall to give good spin to bearing balls. You can change direction some times. Time required depends how bearing are lubricated last time, type of cleaning fluid and how dirty bearing really are. Bearings lubricated with grease require longer time to wash. Bearing lubricated with oil 1/2min wash is usually enough.
As you can see topside covers are in place. When you get good movement into bearings/balls it is enough to get bottom side covers out. Because only half of covers and c-rings out, there is much less work required compared to traditional methods.

Step 5

When using water-soluble cleaning fluid, rinsing is easy below running water. Hot water makes rinsing more even effective. Water creates rust in bearings so it is important to get it out as soon as possible. By using isopropyl alcohol for second rinsing you get water out easily. Also it is possible to use compressed air to or hair dryer to blow water out.

Step 6

Cleaning fluid, rinsing water and alcohol can be thrown out from bearings by rotating LaakeripesuriTM in air. Then one can check washing result by rotating each bearing and listening noise from bearing. When result is satisfactory bearings are ready to be lubricated.

Step 7

Lubricant applied to bearing is easy to distribute be turning bearings in hands. Excessive amount of oil should be avoided, because it gets out from bearing to sides of wheels during skating. These oil stripes then collect dirt.

Step 8 (optional if you install covers back*)

Clean covers and c-rings are easy to fix into bearings when hey are still in LaakeripesuriTM. Mount all c-ring same way so it is easier at next time to get them out.

Step 9

Bearings are now ready to be installed to wheels (which were as also washed).
Then is it time for other skate...

*  To make next service quicker one can left inside covers uninstalled.

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